Good Day And A New Beginning

Today is still in Winter here. Lots of sun here but not all over. The groundhog decided that it would be 6 more weeks of winter. So here we go...
Sorry I write my Sunday stuff on Mondays because my weekends are full of working in my yard and gardens most of the time.
Still February though and another half week until March. Only 28 days this month instead of the 30-31 days as in other months. 30 days has September April, June, and November all the rest have 31 days.
Lots of tornados in the west as I live in the mid-east state of West Virginia. Hardly ever have tornadoes here on this side of my mountain but do occasionally have a lot of snow. Like lots of snow in the wind=ter of 2010-2011 with three feet each month of December, January, and February. The snow plows broke down at the top of the mountain I live on, and they had nowhere to shovel the snot. There are houses along the road up and down this mountain. We were stuck in for about a week. We have a fireplace, so we were OK with the lack of electricity for a few days. My husband got stuck in instead of out like he did one year. It was a freak Ice storm in October that knocked some power lines down and he was stuck at work and I and the cats and dog we had were stuck here. Thank goodness we have a fireplace as that was used continuously for that week. When my husband did get home the first place we ate out at was in Inwood and the first thing that I got was coffee. Wow, those things you mis. I had eaten Chocolate cake all that week! Yes good for the first three times then you really don't want to even see as chocolate cake after that for years.
I feel bad every winter when I hear of really bad weather in the west and many lose homes and a place to stay until the worst ve been cleaned up. A prayer alo being snt to them and the children. How scary it must be for all of them.

Now think of Spring that will come in a few weeks. Good times are coming God promises that! You know what is coming up in my garden now it isn't even Spring yet? My garden Chives. Yes, they are about an inch poking out of the soil. That is the first sign of Spring here in my yard and the deer. You also have lots of "tree rats", I mean squirrels that eat anything. don't graze off those. Next will be crocuses, and I can't grow them, because of the deer population that lives on this mountain area. Then Daffodils and other plants along with Tall Beaded Irises that deer don't like.Just about when the Daffodils start coming up, I have started digging in my raised gardens for new planting of vegetables. Lettuce, beans and squash and tomatoes, and peppers are the favorite and they grow so well here in the side of this wooded mountain. We have lots of trees on this mountain hence why Mobile Phones drop calls all the time and why we,at, least have a Land Line. Do you get my point!? We must have that! I can't wait to play in the dirt!

We are starting a new kind of garden this year with all the trees we had to cut down due to the bugs that eat it from the inside out. Seriously you can't see them on the outside of the tree until all the limbs stop growing leaves. Then you know it is dead and they got to it. Had to cut 6 down last year. Just trying to get a handle on that is something else. I heard about someone doing this on the show Homestead Rescue and thought to do it to as we already have some trees that are composting as we speak. Ypu lay the treed down and put compost material and grass clippings and then dirt and then straw to keep everything moist. As the tree decomposes it becomes that compost your plants need and the heat that all produces keeps the plants growing. Simple hh? Not so much here though as we have to f=gbring the cut tree parts up a hill. That is how our land in .. on a hill in ou side and back yard and we have a ravine on the side of our yard and a stream running across the back yards that is down a steep embankment. We all have a one-acre plot in these woods. There are 350 lots here in this neighborhood and some don't have houses on them as some own more than one plot. So I would say about 300 homes here on this side of the mountain. As far as I know, there are about 2 other subdivisions on the side of the mountain. Lots of people live on the west side of the mountain. A great [place to live and very pretty too/ I started out to be a vacation home place but now almost all of the homes are permanent residents. Some nice picture hmmm? Yes indeed. The ones that I don't have here ae the picture of our dog and a deer playing together and the herd of deer coming through my yard. May be sharing them at another time. The herd of deer was never taken and here we a lot of deer coming up my front yard and going into the ravine next to our house. There were 25 that I counted nd there more coming. It was a fabulous sight they see! I love sharing the world I live in to others. Nature is a wonderful place.
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