Never Getting A Cell Phone

I will not ever get a cellphone and the people who are under the age of 40 years old cannot understand that. I was asked when I was going to get a cell phone from the person on the other phone and I told her that I will never get one. Her reaction was to ask me if I like sitting at my desk in front of the computer all day. I said yes I do. I am not in the office all day. I work from home and get up and do what I need to do and even go out with my husband. Whoever calls will get my answering machine and they can leave a message. I value my time and being with my husband more than answering the phone all the time as they do.
I value my conversations and if I wanted other people to hear what I am saying that would be the point...I don't.
When the electricity goes out so do anything that depends on that
will not be useful. A Telephone Line or landline for you will still work because they don't use electric lines for fun. I found this out when the electricity went down in my area for 4 days and found that anything electric did not work. I thought my telephone which is an office desktop was electric too and it would not work. It did work for calling in and out of the house. so I still had a way to communicate.
Now my husband has a work cell phone and that is all it is for but he says that if he didn't have that he wouldn't care because he likes the landline here too. He is tired of the phone-dropping calls and disconnections that we always get in this house because we are on the side of a mountain that is forested. To get better service we would need to be at the top of the mountain where the cell towers are located.
The younger crowd are rude and nasty to people using their cell phone to t
ell you they need money but they don't realize what they paid for their cell phone. some sound just like spoiled brats when you tell them no that you will not give them what they want which is money. Most don't have any etiquette or manners for what a phone is for. This has become a world of singularity for every human being. Distance themselves from anyone else and uses that cell phone to do what they could do in person.l thing is Biden distanced everyone when COVID-19 came about. That spawned a lot of individuality and disconnections from the main world. Can you see that disconnection?
I like my privacy and will always like my privacy!

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